I/ We would like to make contributions to support:
我 / 我們樂意捐款支持:


Donation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible with a receipt.
捐款港幣 100 元或以上將獲發扣稅收據。

*Title 稱謂
Company Name 公司名稱 (if applicable 如適用)
*Contact Number 電話
*Email 電郵
*Correspondence Address 通訊地址
Graduation Field 畢業學科 (if applicable 如適用)
Year of Graduation 畢業年份 (if applicable 如適用)

The donor's name to be printed on the donation receipt should be the same as the cardholder's name. 捐款收據將按持卡人姓名發出。

For other donation methods such as cheque, bank deposit and e-banking, please download and complete the donation form and send it back to the Faculty of Science, HKBU.

Personal Information Collection Statement
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the University’s Privacy Policy, Faculty of Science of Hong Kong Baptist University is committed to ensuring that the data provided by you are treated and kept strictly confidential. The data may be shared with appropriate parties and personnel of the University for administration, communication and other related purposes only, e.g. University news, activities, giving initiatives and publications. Faculty of Science will not disclose your personal information to any external parties unless your consent has been obtained or it is required to do so by law. If you do not wish to receive our information materials, please send your personal information (including your name, graduation year and graduation field) to Faculty of Science at FSC701, Fong Shu Chuen Library, Ho Sin Hang Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Please contact Faculty of Science (Email: 60anniversary@sci.hkbu.edu.hk / Tel.: +852 3411 5887) if you need to access / correct your personal data or if you have any question.

香港浸會大學理學院會把您的個人資料依「個人資料(私隱)條例」的有關條文及大學的私隱聲明處理及保密。您的個人資料可能在有需要時提供予大學有關人員及單位,用作行政、傳訊及其他相關用途,如大學新聞資訊、活動、籌款及刊物。如非獲得您的同意或應法令要求,本學院將不會把您的個人資料提供予任何外界單位。如欲停止收取我們全部或個別類別的資訊,請連同您的個人資料 (包括姓名、畢業年份及就讀學科)郵寄至本學院辦理。地址:香港九龍窩打老道224號香港浸會大學善衡校園方樹泉圖書館7樓701室。如欲查詢 / 修改您的個人資料或有任何疑問,請透過電郵 (60anniversary@sci.hkbu.edu.hk) 或電話(+852 3411 5887) 聯絡本學院。

For enquiries, please call +852 3411 5887 or email to 60anniversary@sci.hkbu.edu.hk.
如有查詢,請致電 +852 3411 5887或電郵至60anniversary@sci.hkbu.edu.hk

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